sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2007

Suspended Catholic cleric has Vatican gay list -- report ...

Suspended Catholic cleric has Vatican gay list -- report ...

Resultados no livro para o termo gay priests in the catholic church

Gay Catholic Priests And Clerical Sexual ... - de Donald L. Boisvert, Robert Goss - 272 páginasActs of Faith, Acts of Love - de Dugan McGinley - 246 páginasPedophiles and Priests - de Philip Jenkins - 224 páginas
BBC NEWS World Europe Vatican renews ban on gay priests- [ Traduzir esta página ]
Long-awaited Vatican rules stress Church policy of barring gay men and their ... All Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy, regardless of orientation. - 43k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
BBC NEWS Europe Vatican 'to ban new gay priests'- [ Traduzir esta página ]
Gay men will be barred from training as priests even if they are celibate ... of gay priests and bishops, and wants to clean up the Catholic church's image. - 41k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Gay Priests in the Roman Catholic Church: What Will Happen?- [ Traduzir esta página ]
Scandals involving priests who have sexually abused children have been a source of many problems for the Roman Catholic Church. One of those problems has - 26k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Gay Priests in the Catholic Church- [ Traduzir esta página ]
Gay Priests in the Catholic Church. The recent scandals involving priests who have sexually abused children have been a source of many problems for the - 22k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
WorldNetDaily: 'Gay' culture in Catholic Church grows- [ Traduzir esta página ]
A "gay" culture is growing among clergy of the American Catholic Church that .... Many Catholic bishops and faithful priests in the United States will have - 41k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly . COVER STORY . Gay Priests ...- [ Traduzir esta página ]
PRIEST "X": We're certainly aware that there are lots of priests who are gay. VALENTE: The Catholic Church teaches that it is not a sin to have a homosexual - 43k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Catholic World News : The Gay Priest Problem- [ Traduzir esta página ]
"As a Catholic priest, I know there would be no church without gay people. ... I assume priests are gay until proven otherwise." - 65k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Suspended Catholic cleric has Vatican gay list -- report ...- [ Traduzir esta página ]
Editor's Note: Re-posts to clarify Catholic Church position on ... in a Vatican department managing the 400000 Roman Catholic priests around the world, - 79k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Reverend Irene Monroe » Blog Archive » The Catholic Church Needs ...- [ Traduzir esta página ]
Many who know the interior of the Catholic Church would argue that the priesthood has for centuries been a gay profession, and not to ordain gay priests or - 14k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Banning gay priests won't solve Catholic abuse problem - 10/03/05- [ Traduzir esta página ]
If top leaders of the Catholic Church were finally dealing forthrightly with an ... "Banning gay priests is a misguided effort at blame shifting. - 22k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes

Suspended Catholic cleric has Vatican gay list -- report
Agence France-PresseLast updated 07:24pm (Mla time) 10/22/2007
Editor's Note: Re-posts to clarify Catholic Church position on homosexuality in last paragraph.
ROME -- A high profile Vatican cleric suspended after he was shown on television making advances to a young man allegedly had a list of homosexual priests and bishops in the Roman Catholic Church's governing body, Italy's Panorama weekly reported Friday.
Father Tommaso Stenico, 60, had "a detailed dossier" of all the homosexual clerics at Vatican "with a list of names and circumstances implicating a certain number of priests and even bishops working at the Curia," Ignazio Ingrao, reporter for the conservative news weekly said.
Stenico also sent his superior Cardinal Claudio Hummes a report denouncing the moral degradation within the Curia, which could make the Vatican "tremble," Ingrao said.
According to Panorama, Stenico, who also worked for a Catholic television station Telepace and owns a white BMW car, also drew up the list out of resentment at having waited so long to be named a bishop.
A hidden camera in his office showed the priest, who worked in a Vatican department managing the 400,000 Roman Catholic priests around the world, declaring himself an "active homosexual" and making sexual advances to a young man.
On October 1, Italian television station La7 aired footage from the encounter showing the two men with their faces blurred.
Stenico argued he had been trapped and had falsely stated he was homosexual "in order to unmask those who really are."
Last week, the Vatican suspended the priest and opened an investigation.
Should Stenico be found guilty of homosexual activity, which the Roman Catholic church bans, he risks being defrocked.
Copyright 2007 Agence France-Presse. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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