sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2007

gay priests and catholic hypocrisy.

AccessMyLibrary Browse T The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine) APR-02 February 4, 1986: gay priests and catholic hypocrisy.
February 4, 1986: gay priests and catholic hypocrisy. (From the Advocate Archives).(Brief Article)
Publication: The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)
Publication Date: 30-APR-02
Author: Romesburg, Don
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How to access the full article: Free access to all articles is available courtesy of your local library. To access the full article click the "See the full article" button below. You will need your US library barcode or password.
February 4, 1986: gay priests and catholic hypocrisy. (From the Advocate Archives).(Brief Article)
COPYRIGHT 2002 Liberation Publications, Inc.
Recent pedophilia scandals in the Roman Catholic Church in Boston and elsewhere have brought renewed suspicion of gay priests and revived the issue of whether the church's requirement of celibacy for its clergy should remain. In 1986 George de Stefano wrote an Advocate article exploring the challenges faced by...
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Um comentário:

Charlotte Robinson disse...

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