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Monday November 13, 2006 at 10pm ET/PT on CBC Newsworld
repeating Monday June 18, 2007 at 10pm ET/PT on CBC Newsworld

Created in 1962, a now infamous document was issued in secret to bishops. Called Crimen Sollicitationis, it outlined procedures to be followed by bishops when dealing with allegations of child abuse, homosexuality and bestiality by members of the clergy. It swore all parties involved to secrecy on pain of excommunication from the Catholic Church.

This document was reissued in 2001 by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and sent to all bishops. Yet rather than ordering more openness and cooperation with the authorities as demanded by both law enforcers and the victims, he reiterated its policies and ensured that the Code of Silence be applied to all cases of child abuse involving a priest. Cardinal Ratzinger also instructed that all cases should now be referred to his office directly and that he would maintain 'exclusive competence' over the handling of allegations. This is the Catholic Church's policy to this day and Cardinal Ratzinger is now Pope Benedict XVI.

The policy laid out in the above document has led to systemic failure by the result that a significant number of priest have, in effect, been allowed to abuse again, and further children have been put at risk.

As the documentary explores, Colm O'Gorman is the man responsible for breaking open decades of abuse by Catholic Priests in Ireland in the BAFTA award-winning BBC special Suing the Pope. He links international 'systemic evidence' to argue the Vatican has a policy to cover up the sexual abuse of thousands of children across the world.

In Sex Crimes and the Vatican O'Gorman explores four separate cases internationally of widespread clerical abuse, putting the Roman Catholic Church on trial for the reckless endangerment of children. O'Gorman raises the question, 'Is the Church in default of its obligation as a signatory to the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child?'

Sex Crimes and the Vatican is produced by Sarah Macdonald for the BBC.

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Vatican Secret Services


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www.alienufosecret.eu / Astronomy & Cosmology / Vatican Secret Services & Astronomers about Nibiru Planet X Jesuit Footage Classified Secretun Omega

Author Message

Administrator # Posted: 1/26/07 14:34 · Edited by: JohnKuhles

Vatican and UFO: Secretum Omega

Vatican Secret Services & Astronomers Planet X 'Jesuit Footage' Classified 'Secretun Omega' Nibiru Confirmation?

About the Author

My name is Cristoforo Barbato I'm an italian independent UFO researcher, in the last 7 years I have worked and writing for different UFO magazines and frontier studies published in Italy : "NotiziarioUFO", "Dossier Alieni", "Stargate", "Extra Terrestre" and "Stargate Magazine".

I have also collaborated to the realization of two encyclopedias on the UFOs subject entitled "UFO Dossier X" of the Fabbri Edizioni and "Stargate - Enigmi dal Cosmo" of Curcio Editore.

Besides I have participated as chairman in different national symposium and conference on the UFOs where I have had the possibility to know important UFOs researcher both Italians how international.

On the day 30 of April in the Palazzo della Provincia of Pescara took place the Conference "UFO? the Truth is Top Secret, from Area 51 to Planet X", organized by the "Ufobserver" Cultural Association.

During the conference I spoke about underground bases in the USA and dedicated the last fifteen minutes of my speech to a very short summary of my work during last five years that had gone in a new direction and is the leading topic of my future lectures. In the year 2000 I was working in Rome as an editor in the "Stargate" magazine and I wrote many articles about Fatima Apparitions, their famous Third Secret and other Vatican State-related mysteries.

After the publication of these articles I started to receive many e-mails from a person who identified himself as a Vatican insider. He was interested in me and my research into Fatima. From those e-mails a story emerged about an enigmatic Vatican Intelligence Agency named "S.I.V.", code from "Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano". After one year of such epistolary contacts (in the meantime that person had revealed to me he was a S.I.V. member from the Jesuit order working in structures of the Holy See and I could verify that this information were true), we finally met in a public place in Rome and I realized he knew much more than what he had said in his letters. Moreover, he sent to me some material including a video (shown during the Pescara Conference) regarding observations of something like a tenth planet approaching the Solar System.

Video Evidence Shows Existence of Planet 'X' also known as 'Nibiru'

This video had been presumably taped in 1995 from a space probe named Siloe and its images had been later sent to a secret radio-telescope hidden in an abandoned oil-refining plant in Alaska, totally managed by Jesuits. According to this person the reason to establish the S.I.V. was the meeting with an Alien delegation at Muroc Air Field Base in February 1954 in presence of President Dwight Eisenhower and James Francis McIntyre, Bishop of Los Angeles. After the incredible event McIntyre flew to Rome to refer with Pope Pius XII who decided to found the S.I.V with the aim to gather all possible information about Aliens and how they interact with the American Government.

Bishop McIntyre and Detroit Archbishop Edward Mooney became the main information coordinators between USA and the Vatican State. Incredibly, later on there should have been some direct personal meetings between S.I.V. members and a Nordic-looking race of Aliens coming from the Pleiades. These Aliens presumably warned humans against another alien race met by the Americans in the California Desert. These meetings between S.I.V and Aliens took place mainly in the USA territory but also (two times) in the Vatican State, precisely in Vatican Gardens at the Papal Academy of Sciences in presence of Pope Pius XII. My Jesuit contact also confirmed to me the reality of the George Adamsky - John XXIII meeting and talked about some very interesting details about it. He also called "Secretum Omega" the highest secrecy level in S.I.V, equivalent to the NATO "Cosmic Top Secret".

Cristoforo Barbato speaking about the Secretum Omega. Photo - secretum-omega.com

After the release of the controversial 'MJ-12' files and of the 'Guardian' files, by an anonymous individual, and perhaps for the first time in history, one member of the ufological community, an Italian freelance writer and investigator, was able to check the credentials of the alleged anonymous insider, an individual that was still working for the intelligence community and had not been fired or retired. This mystery man was responsible for the release of the above classified material. He was an insider of a presumed Vatican intelligence structure and his actions were supported by his colleagues. But first of all, let me tell you something about that freelancer: Cristoforo Barbato.

Born in Naples in 1972, is an Italian independent UFO researcher; in the last 7 years he worked and written for several UFO magazines and frontier studies published in Italy: Notiziario UFO and Dossier Alieni for example. For many years Barbato was also a member of the C.U.N. (Centro Ufologico Nazionale), the main Italian ufological association. Moreover he has collaborated to the realization of two Italian encyclopedias on the UFOs subject, entitled UFO Dossier X, published by the Fabbri Edizioni and Stargate - Enigmi dal Cosmo, by Curcio Editore. Barbato has also participated as speaker at some national conventions on the UFOs, where he has had the possibility to meet different important UFOs researchers, both Italians and international: among them Col. Philip Corso, U.S. Army retired officer.

For some years Barbato was editor in charge in Rome for some Italian magazines, as Stargate, Extra Terrestrial and Stargate Magazine. During that period he wrote on the magazine "Stargate" many reports about Fatima Apparitions and the famous "Third Secret". After the publication of those reports, precisely in the year 2000, he received several e-mails from a person who qualified himself as a Vatican insider. From those e-mails rose up the story of a presumed Vatican Intelligence Agency, whose code would be S.I.V.: "Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano", which in Italian means "Vatican Information Services". In short the Vatican Secret Services. Barbato, at the beginning, was very skeptical and did not rely on him.

After one year of such an epistolary contacts (in the meantime the insider revealed himself as a S.I.V. membership, belonging to the Jesuit Order and working by the Holy See), the Italian freelance demanded a meeting with him, as a necessary condition to carry on the contacts. In spite of the risks the Vatican insider accepted, and I suppose he was aware it was necessary considering his baffling revelations. Two meetings took place in a public space in Rome in 2001. After that at least his identity was clear: he was not a mythomaniac; he was really a Jesuit working by the Holy See. Of course the Italian freelance has been protecting his source, avoiding to spread his name; and very soon Barbato realized that he knew much more than what he had told him by e-mail.

Photo used with the kind permission of Cristoforo Barbato - secretum-omega.com

Closeup of object to the right of Planet X. Object has been enlarged with noise added. Photo used with the kind permission of Cristoforo Barbato - secretum-omega.com

Moreover in 2001 the Vatican insider sent to Cristoforo Barbato by post a videotape (shown for the first time during a meeting that took place in Pescara, in Italy, on 30 April 2005), containing a footage of 2 minutes regarding observations of a planetoid in the deep space (the presumed Tenth Planet, "The Planet X"), while it was approaching to the Solar System. The video, which shows an introduction of writings of classification on it, had been carried out by a secret space probe named "Siloe". The Vatican deep throat told Barbato the space probe was equipped with a sophisticated infrared camera and an electromagnetic impulses propulsion, and was assembled in Area 51(Nevada), and then orbited by an aircraft of the type "Aurora", a secret hypersonic aircraft; the space probe Siloe, always according the Barbato's contact, sent the images of the planetoid in October 1995 (after it came back to the border of Solar System to have more power of signal), to a secret radio telescope [/b]hidden in an unused oil-refining plant in Alaska, totally managed by some Jesuits belonging to the S.I.V. The radio telescope, he added, was built in 1990 to observe anomalous celestial bodies on approaching the Solar System.

An unknown spacecraft possibly the Aurora escaping earth's atmosphere. Photo taken during a STS mission. Photo Cristoforo Barbato - secretum-omega.com

Closeup of triangle object traveling over earth. Photo Cristoforo Barbato - secretum-omega.com

After his conference in Pescara (Italy), Barbato spread a press release which, according to the Jesuit's information, would confirm also the story of a secret meeting of First Contact happened during the strange absence of President Eisenhower in a February evening of 1954, while the President was on holiday in Palm Springs, in California, absence officially motivated with a sudden visit by a dentist for an emergency dental treatment. As a matter of fact on Saturday night of February 20, 1954, Eisenhower's Press Secretary announced that Eisenhower had lost a tooth cap while eating fried chicken and had to be rushed to a local dentist (source: Michael Salla, PhD, exopolitics study-paper-8 ). Here is a passage from Barbato's press release: "[...] the meeting with an Alien delegation at Muroc Air Field Base in February 1954 in the presence of president Dwight Eisenhower and James Francis McIntyre, bishop of Los Angeles. After that incredible event McIntyre flew to Rome to refer everything to Pope Pius XII who decided to found the S.I.V with the aim to gather every possible bit of information about Aliens and how they interacted with the American Government. From then bishop McIntyre and Detroit Archbishop Edward Mooney became the main information co-coordinators between the USA and the Vatican State. Incredibly, later on there should have been some direct personal meetings between S.I.V. members and a Nordic-looking race of Aliens coming from the Pleiades.

These Aliens presumably warned humans against another alien race met by the Americans in the California Desert . These meetings between S.I.V and Aliens took place mainly in the USA territory but also - twice - in the Vatican State , precisely in Vatican Gardens at the Papal Academy of Sciences in presence of Pope Pius XII.

My Jesuit contact also confirmed to me the reality of the George Adamsky-John XXIII meeting and talked about some very interesting details about it.

He also called "Secretum Omega" the highest secrecy level in S.I.V, equivalent to the NATO Cosmic Top Secret."

I interviewed Barbato for the Italian bimonthly magazine UFO Notiziario (UFO news), nr.62, April-May 2006, in which the magazine published some frames of the video and a very interesting presumed image (provided almost for sure by the Jesuit to Barbato), regarding the phantom "Aurora" (so far denied by U.S. officials) an American large secret hypersonic aircraft capable of a Mach 6 performance. In the presumed picture, taken by a classified STS mission in 2002, you can see a full-body shape aircraft (a black triangle) coming out from the earthly atmosphere to go into the Space. Other detailed information have been revealed on Barbato's website (www.secretum-omega.com), where last September the Italian freelance published on-line the interview to his contact, the Jesuit, taken place in 2001 in Rome.

The Jesuit member of the S.I.V. told Barbato that on occasion of the secret meeting at Muroc Air Field Base, in 1954, military cameramen filmed the outstanding event"with three movie cameras (16 millimeters), detached in different places, loaded with colour film and working by spring engines; this last rather unconformable resolution, because it compelled every cameraman to change reel every 3 minutes, it was necessary since in the presence of the Aliens and of their spacecrafts, the electrical engines of the biggest movie cameras did not work. They filmed 7 rollers of 30 meters, a total of 20 minutes shot."

Among the Jesuit's revelations, two of them are astonishing: about the planetoid visible in the videotape, the Vatican insider told the Italian freelance that it is the Planet X (the Sumerian Nibiru) about the "Guardian Files", he confessed him are a "dramatic truth", apart from the frames of the presumed E.B.E.

The Barbato' s researches shocked me and roused me to investigate as journalist the "Secretum Omega" enigma. Since 2005 up to now, on some magazines, websites and essays, I found out several circumstantial evidences that seem to prove the existence of the S.I.V. and the "Secretum Omega", their highest clearance. Barbato, before than me, found the most important and explicit of them on an historical essay, a book written by Mark Aarons and John Loftus, entitled "Ratlines" (see chapter 1). Anyway, above all because of the mass-media silence, I decided to baptize the Barbato's video with the name of "Jesuit Footage", to draw upon it the public attention. And finally I found an indirect remarkable confirmation of Barbato's testimony: Dr. Steven M. Greer (M.D.), in his recent book "Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge", revealed in the chapter nr. 16 (passages of it have been published by Nexus New Times magazine, on the survey "Twilight Zone", nr 64, October-November 2006) that, during a meeting with some rebel insiders taken place in December 1994 in Phoenix by Wrigley Mansion, one of them confessed him that determinate Jesuits control technology on UFOs information and contacts with Aliens. So I am convinced that the disturbing inquiries carried out by Barbato deserve our maxim attention, especially to understand how much truth there is about the next Planet X's arrival.

Source: Luca Scantamburlo, B.A. angelismarriti.it

Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real

by Richard Boylan, Ph.D

Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia (governing body), and an insider close to the Pope, has gone on Italian national television five times, including recent months, to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. Balducci provided an analysis of extraterrestrials that he feels is consistent with the Catholic Church's understanding of theology. Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that extraterrestrial encounters "are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully." Since Monsignor Balducci is a demonology expert and consultant to the Vatican , and since the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were poorly understood, his stating that the Church does not censure these encounters is all the more remarkable.

Balducci revealed to a visiting American professional that the Vatican is closely following this phenomenon quietly. My informant originally surmised that the Vatican is receiving much information about Extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its Nunciatures (embassies) in various countries. But subsequent information indicated that the Monsignor has gotten his cases from other sources. Monsignor Balducci is a member of a group which acts as consultants to the Vatican on various matters concerning humans in possible contact with supernatural beings. As such, the matter of Extraterrestrial encounters would fall within their purview, and possibly as well the spiritual significance of the emerging general realization of extraterrestrial contact.

Parallel information from National Security Council scientist Dr. Michael Wolf , a member of the NSC's SSG subcommittee for managing the UFO phenomenon, as well as from noted author and Vatican expert Father Malachi Martin, suggests that the Vatican is concerned that it will have a major doctrinal updating situation on its hands when Extraterrestrial contact becomes authoritatively announced by world governments over the next several years.

Story source: ufodisclosure.com

Vatican Astronomers ponders 'baptism' of Extraterrestrials

A pocket-sized book published by the Catholic Truth Society in the UK addresses Catholic attitudes to extraterrestrial life.

Independent Catholic News reports that with increasing numbers of people believing not only in the possibility of intelligent life on other planets, but even claiming encounters with aliens, it is not surprising that the Catholic Church is beginning to explore what effect the discovery of sentient ETs might have on Christian theology.

In: Intelligent Life in the Universe?

Catholic belief and the search for Extraterrestrial intelligent life, author Guy Consolmagno SJ, asks:

• Would humans recognise intelligent life if we saw it?
• Could we communicate with it? Should we even try?
• Is Original Sin something that affects all intelligent beings?
• Is Jesus Christ's redemption valid for intelligent beings throughout the universe?
• or would other worlds have their own version of Jesus?
• Would the Church send missionaries to ET planets?

Guy Consolmagno SJ, a Jesuit religious brother and astronomer, divides his year between the Vatican's observatory in Arizona and its older observatory at the Pope's summer residence, Castel Gandolfo, in the hills outside of Rome.

Brother Guy has advanced degrees in planetary science from MIT and the University of Arizona. He spends his time observing comets and asteroids, and does experiments with the Vatican's vast collection of meteorites one of the largest in the world. He is one of a dozen Jesuit astronomers doing this work. The order been engaged in astronomy since before Galileo.

Balducci Google-VIDEO's
Balducci Youtube-VIDEO's

SOURCE Vatican astronomers asks: could you baptise an extra-terrestrial? (Independent Catholic News 11/10/05)

Special thanks to ufodigest.com


2 # Posted: 1/26/07 19:28 · Edited by: admin

Adriano Forgione's UFO Interview With Vatican Priest Monsignor Corrado Balducci

June 10th, 1999

"Other Intelligent Beings Exist"

The reality of the UFO phenomenon and its theological implications: using reason, extraterrestrials are here. A glimpse of their nature and a mention of the Third Secret of Fatima.

By Adriano Forgione
(tranlation from Italian by Dawn A. Bissel)

I met Monsignor Corrado Balducci at the Second Ufological Conference of Ancona, entitled "Alien civilizations: between doubt and reason" on 17 April 1999. Balducci, a demonologist of the Vatican is a very open person with a pleasant manner who is quite well known in the ufological circuit for having openly declared that he believes in the possibility that extraterrestrial intelligences are interacting with Earth. Are his statements made on behalf of the Vatican? I tried to examine the religious repercussions of contact with Monsignor Balducci.

AF: Monsignor, where does your interest in extraterrestrial intelligences spring from?

MB: I really became interested in UFOlogy a couple of years ago, even though I started talking about it on TV about four years ago, in 1995. Actually, it all started in 1959 when I began to devote my time to studying demonology. As I had to explore fields such as psychiatry and parapsychology, I indirectly came into contact with topics linked to UFOlogy. I remember that in the Fifties, there was a tendency to deny at all costs the object of parapsychological studies amongst the public, some scientists and also amongst us clergymen. They said that there was no basis for acknowledging parapsychology and phenomena which were called nonsense and fantasy. To put it simply, they denied everything. This was reflected in UFOlogy, which is linked to other frontier topics.

As I collected material, I realized that this generalized denial stemmed from illogical fanaticism. There must be something there, even if you just use your common sense, and, using reason, the phenomenon is undeniable. Strict criticism goes against common sense because it goes against the value of human testimonies. In recent years, accounts of UFOlogical events have greatly increased and yet there are still too many people who tend to pass everything off as nonsense. Of course, in many cases, natural phenomena for example, may be wrongly interpreted, but it's absolutely unthinkable to put everything into that category. Total skepticism is completely unjustified.

AF: And what's happening at the moment in your field?

MB: I've never told anyone this, but I'll tell you: some theologists have said to me "Balducci, what are you doing, it's all just fantasy! ", and they were important theologists, not just anyone. Then when I explained my interest, I defended it tooth and nail so as to say that it's time to change this attitude because if we go on like this, we'll end up weakening and destroying the value of human testimonies. This is what worries me because human testimonies are the basis for our life as an individual, our life in society but above all the basis for the spiritual life of Christians, given that the Divine Revelation is a historical fact that was testified to. God's Revelation is testified to by people and by the gospels. If we believe in the accounts of Biblical miracles, then using reason, we must also believe the accounts of extraordinary events that happen today. It's obvious that we must prove that every affirmation is based on credible foundations. Above all, I decided to get involved in UFOlogy in order to defend human testimonies.

AF: On various occasions you have said that the occupants of UFOs could be more highly evolved spiritually than we are.

MB: I must start by saying that angels do not use spaceships. As purely spiritual beings, they are where they want to be and if they wanted to show themselves, they wouldn't have any trouble taking on visible forms. So, when we talk about extraterrestrials, we have to think either of beings like us or, preferably, other types of beings who always combine a spiritual part with a material part, a body, even though they have a different relationship compared with us terrestrial humans.

Nowadays, science accepts the existence of forms of life in the cosmos, even though it doesn't want to take into account the fact that these intelligences could already be here in our planetary sphere, at least in an obvious form. How does theology tackle this problem? Opinions in favor of the habitability of other worlds are held not only by secular scientists, but also theologists and people who died and were made saints like Padre Pio. The book written in 1974 by the priest Don Nello Castello, "Così parlò Padre Pio" ("Thus Spoke Padre Pio"), says that someone in Padre Pio's confraternity asked him "Father, I thought Earth was nothing compared to the stars and all the other planets", to which Padre Pio replied "Yes, and if we leave the Earth we are nothing. The Lord certainly didn't restrict his glory to this little planet. On other planets, there will be beings without sin.".

I can also mention Cardinal Niccolò Cusano (1401-1464) who wrote "there is no star from which we are authorized to exclude the existence of beings, who may even be different to us". The Jesuit and astronomer, Father Angelo Secchi (1818-1866) wrote "It's absurd to consider the worlds that surround us as uninhabited deserts". And I could go on and on. Of course, we still don't have scientific confirmation of this particular issue.

However, in the field of theology and the Scriptures we can make some observations. As God's power is limitless, it is not only possible but also likely that inhabited planets exist. In fact, there is a great difference between angels, who are purely spiritual beings, and ourselves, who are made of spirit and matter and whose soul is limited in its actions by the abilities of the body itself. This is explained by the axiom that Nature doesn't take jumps. And so it's likely that the distance between us and angels is reduced by beings who, although they have a body, maybe a more perfect one, have a soul which is less conditioned in its evolution. Probably, not only is this possible and likely but, in my opinion, also desirable. In a not so distant future, these beings could help us, especially on our spiritual path.

AF: Some researchers think that this already happened in the past.

MB: That's an interesting point. It's arguable that these beings have been protecting and helping us for a long time. Some people have put forward the hypothesis that some disasters have been avoided thanks to them. If intelligent beings from other planets really existed, we would find the solution as to how to reconcile their existence with Christ's redemption. If Christ is the center and head of all creation, no world exists which doesn't refer to Christ, as everything is under the influence of the divine Word and His glory. And no glory is possible without the existence of intelligent beings who can understand it. In any case, it's absurd to think that the only form of intelligence is our own. Other intellectual forces, different to the human one and constructed with a different type of structure is not only possible, but extremely probable.

AF: Is your research personal or is it on behalf of the Vatican?

MB: It's personal.

AF: Twenty years ago, Father Domenico Grasso spoke publicly in favor of the UFO phenomenon. Was it personal research for him too?

MB: This research is absolutely personal. The Vatican doesn't decide anything. We aren't told "study this or study that" but it gives great freedom of action to individuals. In the Vatican will be pleased when it knows that Balducci too has spoken about UFOlogy. We don't work according to specific orders, absolutely not.

AF: In your opinion, what are the possible implications of the phenomenon for our current civilization or for the near future, if we acknowledge a possible interaction between man and extraterrestrial intelligences?

MB: That's a question which leads me to think that it would be better if we knew what these beings are like. I have already gone into this and I justified my opinion with "likely". What you want to know depends on whether they are inferior or superior to us. If they are like us, there wouldn't be many implications, as they could have a civilization on the same level as our own. It would be different if they were superior beings. In that case a lot of presuppositions could change.

AF: According to some studies, visions of Blessed Virgin Mary are connected to the UFO phenomenon. Some associated phenomena seem to be of a ufological nature. What do you think?

MB: It's absolutely out of the question. For pity's sake, Our Lady can do what she wants, and definitely doesn't need a UFO.

AF: Two years ago, an article was published in 'Il Messagero' which quoted some of your statements about a nuclear war and a celestial cataclysm which will happen within ten years. That was a sensationalist article.

MB: The truth is, I said that they are two risks we are running. The nearest is a nuclear world war, a danger that's more real when there are two powers involved. So, I speculated on who could be a possible opponent for America, and I said China or the Arab world, but I didn't mean that this would happen tomorrow. I pointed out that for near future I meant around 2030. China first has to develop its commerce and industry to the point where it has enough military power to involve the West in a future war. (At the time of the interview, the war in Kosovo was already under way - Ed). The danger could also be that Russia, being in a destitute state, has already sold arms, technology and people to Third World countries. But I think that however small a country is, it thinks before dropping an atomic bomb on the USA.

AF: And what do you think the other, more distant danger is?

MB: An asteroid hitting Earth. I hadn't thought of that. I was actually referring to an ecological crisis which is growing because of the increase in pollution which is faster than any human corrective measure. But of course I'm not talking about only surviving ten years.

AF: Staying with this issue, in an edition of the magazine 'Visto' three years ago, you partly confermed the text of the Third Secret of Fatima which has been around for thirty years but has never been backed by the Church. Yes. There are two things in the Third Secret of Fatima. Everyone noticed the first, but very few noticed the second. The first tells of a nuclear war before the end of the millenium. From the context, that's clear. In fact, the text talks about the use of arms that are more powerful than a thousand suns. It's clear what arms are intended if we look at what the text goes on to say: "the living will envy the dead". This means that the people who survive the nuclear weapons will suffer from radiation.

The other, less known aspect, is the doctrinal crisis of the Church. Three years ago, I was interviewed by Canadian TV. I said: "Yes, the Madonna of the Third Secret of Fatima says this, but no-one has noticed that she first says that it will happen if mankind doesn't mend its ways.". So its all conditioned by this previous remark. But I am optimistic. We, as people, can influence the realization of a prophecy, change the date and the intensity of the prophesied events and mitigate them. The renewal of spirituality in the young is a good omen. I mean to say, spirituality based on the rules of the Church.

AF: Do you believe that non-terrestrial intelligences could intervene in a possible future cataclysm?

MB: I've already said that it's possible for these beings to come to the aid of mankind. Anyway, we shouldn't expect help from anyone, it has to be us who change and mature.

From Adriano Forgione aforgi@hotmail.com
Editor-In-Chief of two Italian UFO Magazines
'Dossier Alieni' and 'UFO Network'

Balducci Google-VIDEO's
Balducci Youtube-VIDEO's

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Mortal Sins of the Vatican


Pro-Choice Press

a publication of BC's Pro-Choice Action Network

Summer 1999 Issue

Table of Contents


Mortal Sins of the Vatican
Hypocrisy and the Hippocratic Oath
BC / Canadian News

Protester Released from Jail
Man Jailed for Terror Campaign
Child Cannot Sue Mother for Injuries Suffered in Womb
Parker Loses Again
Not a Pretty Picture - Watson and Hof in the Photo Wars
Canada News Bites
U.S. /International News:

Join the Campaign to Downgrade the Vatican's Status at the U.N.
Kopp Charged with Doctor Slaying
U.S. News Bites

Why We Don't Debate Anti-Choice Spokespersons

Mortal Sins of the Vatican By Joyce Arthur

"We do not need population control, and any effort at safe sex is totally, utterly immoral from top to bottom." ---Rev. James Reuter, Office of Mass Media, Catholic Church of the Philippines

Is the Vatican willing to sacrifice humanity in its attempt to protect its own power base in the world? This article examines the role of the Catholic Church in bringing an overpopulated world to the brink of disaster because of its influential and far-reaching agenda against family planning, contraception, and abortion.

The Unsung Death of U.S. Population Control Policies

In 1974, an American government report called NSSM 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests, was presented to President Gerald Ford. The NSSM 200 study had been commissioned by former President Richard Nixon, and was undertaken by the National Security Council, the CIA, the Agency for International Development, and the Departments of Defense, Agriculture, and State.

The NSSM 200 study detailed how and why continued rapid world population growth gravely threatened U.S. and global security. It also provided a blueprint for American response to the problem. The report concluded that: "World population growth is widely recognized within the Government as a current danger of the highest magnitude calling for urgent measures ... There is a major risk of severe damage [from continued rapid population growth] to world economic, political, and ecological systems and, as these systems begin to fail, to our humanitarian values."

The NSSM 200 report recommended that the United States provide world leadership in population growth control, implement a (non-coercive) one-child policy in the U.S., and stabilize the U.S. population by the year 2000. Another major recommendation was to make family planning information, education, and contraception available to everyone in the developing world by 1980, and to achieve a two-child family in developing countries by 2000. The report also recognized the problem of illegal abortion, and stated that "No country has reduced its population growth without resorting to abortion."

Stephen Mumford, a population control expert, and president of the Center for Research on Population and Security in North Carolina, has documented the Vatican's almost single-handed role in destroying American political will to implement the NSSM 200 recommendations. Mumford's 1996 book, The Life and Death of NSSM 200: How the Destruction of Political Will Doomed a U.S. Population Policy, is a meticulously documented exposé of the Vatican's manipulation of the American government, and its tireless work to negate U.S. population policy.

Ironically, the NSSM 200 report itself specifically noted that the only institutional opposition to population growth control comes from the Vatican. Since 1975, the Vatican has been so successful in this opposition that not a single one of the NSSM 200 report's recommendations was ever implemented, and the report itself was buried, not reaching the public eye until 1989.

The rest of this article summarizes some of the main points from Mumford's book.

World Population: 1974 and Today

"[The Pope's] teachings and policies on birth control can no longer be seen merely as the business of Catholics ... [they] could now instead lead to the death of us all." --- Georgie Anne Geyer, columnist, Dallas Morning News, August 10, 1993.

In 1974, when the NSSM 200 report was written, world population was 3.9 billion. Without intensive population control measures, the report predicted that human population would grow to between 6 and 8 billion by 2000, and stabilize at 10 to 13 billion by 2050. These figures extrapolated an existing natural decline in fertility rates, and also assumed rapidly rising death rates due to famine, war, and environmental collapse.

This year, 1999, will see the sixth billionth person added to the world. Current global population projections by the United Nations are: 7 billion people by 2010, and 9 to 11 billion by 2050. We are not far off from the dire predictions of the NSSM 200 study. The last 25 years have seen a significant increase in local famines and wars, as well as ecological devastation on an unprecedented scale. The effects of global warming are now clearly evident in the rise of extreme weather events around the world. The 1990's is the warmest decade on record and arctic ice is now breaking apart and melting. Much of the African continent is experiencing a scourge of premature death from AIDS, starvation, ethnic wars, and abject poverty. Mumford predicts that more than half of Africans alive today will die prematurely, and a substantial majority of African children born in this decade will be dead by 2010, with many dead already (pg. 561). All of these horrors are the direct or indirect result of overpopulation pressures. The Vatican denial of birth control to the people of the world means that "death control" is taking over by default.

Even if drastic population control efforts are taken now, we are 25 years behind. Almost half the world's current population are beginning to bear children now or will be entering their child-bearing years over the next 20 years. Even with a one-child policy, the world faces huge demands on its resources due to this burgeoning population.

Since 1974, some countries have adopted population control measures, most notably China. But without strong leadership and financial support from the United States -- by far the most powerful nation in the world -- most countries simply lack the resources and the will to implement effective population control. Many developing countries are only just beginning to realize the need for such measures. That's because the problem and its solutions have been swept under the carpet for 25 years by the machinations of the Pope and the Vatican.

Even the World Health Organization is influenced by the Vatican. According to Milton Siegel, Assistant General Director of WHO from 1946 to 1970, the Vatican successfully blocked WHO from adopting and promoting the concept that overpopulation was a grave human health threat (Mumford, pgs. 561-567).

How did the Vatican manage to prevent global action against population control measures? And why?

Curse of the Infallibility Dogma

"The only way to solve the problem of contraception is to solve the problem of infallibility." --- Hans Küng, liberal Catholic Theologian, 1979

The availability of contraception and safe, legal abortion is critical to successful world population control. Pope John Paul II's immutability on these two issues can be traced back to 1870, and the Vatican Council I. Two new dogmas were proclaimed at Vatican Council I by Pope Pius IX, a man considered by many to be mentally ill (Mumford, pgs. 191-193). The first was the dogma of papal infallibility, which means that the pope is incapable of error when he makes decisions on matters of faith and morals. The second was the dogma of papal primacy, which gave the pope universal jurisdiction over the entire church, reducing bishops to lackeys of the Pope.

The foundation of today's Catholic Church rests on the infallibility doctrine. In 1980, in a letter to the German Bishops' Conference, Pope John Paul II wrote: "I am convinced that the doctrine of infallibility is in a certain sense the key to the certainty with which the faith is confessed and proclaimed, as well as to the life and conduct of the faithful. For once the essential foundation is shaken or destroyed, the most basic truths of our faith likewise begin to break down."

The Church has put its infallibility and authority on the line with contraception and abortion, both of which are immoral and evil, according to official Church teachings. The 1930 Church encyclical On Christian Marriage pronounced all abortion to be murder, and contraception a "crime against nature."

By the 1960's, it was becoming obvious to many in the world that overpopulation was a real global threat. This awareness, combined with a growing recognition of women's rights, the development of effective means of artificial contraception, and the public health disaster of illegal abortion, contributed to a widespread trend to liberalize laws against contraception and abortion.

The Catholic Church was not immune to the moral power of these social movements. In 1964, Pope Paul VI (possibly the most socially progressive pope of this century) authorized a Commission on Population and Birth Control to see if he could find a way to change the Church's position on birth control without destroying papal authority. The commission consisted of 64 lay experts and 15 cardinals and bishops. After two years of studying the dilemma, the laymen voted 60 to 4 and the clerics 9 to 6 to change the Church's teaching on birth control because it was the right thing to do, even though it would mean a loss of papal authority. The minority faction also submitted a report to the Pope. The co-author of the minority report was none other than the Archbishop of Cracow, Karol Wojtyla, now Pope John Paul II. In his minority report, our future pope stated (or sanctioned) these words:

"If it should be declared that contraception is not evil in itself, then we should have to concede frankly that ... for half a century the [Holy] Spirit failed to protect Pius XI, Pius XII, and a large part of the Catholic hierarchy from a very serious error. This would mean that the leaders of the Church, acting with extreme imprudence, had condemned thousands of innocent human acts, forbidding, under pain of eternal damnation, a practice which would now be sanctioned. The fact can neither be denied nor ignored that these same acts would now be declared licit on the grounds of principles cited by the Protestants, which popes and bishops have either condemned or at least not approved."

Because of the grave threat to papal infallibility and authority posed by the majority's recommendation to change Church teachings on birth control, Pope Paul VI rejected the majority report, and adopted the minority report instead. In 1968, he issued his infamous encyclical, Humanae Vitae, in which he condemned almost every form of birth control as morally reprehensible.

Thus, contraception became the first serious threat to the principle of infallibility. The only way for the Church to backtrack on the issue of contraception would be to admit error, thereby destroying its divinely sanctioned infallibility, and losing much of its authority and power. The Vatican believes, probably correctly, that if solutions to the population problem were to be applied, Vatican power would soon wither and perhaps die completely. Obviously, then, the Vatican's battle against contraception and abortion rests not on moral grounds, but solely on its drive to survive as an influential political institution. And the cornerstone of the Vatican's quest for power is based, not on concern for the fate of humanity, but on its war against abortion.

Abortion -- Bedrock of the Papal Agenda

"No circumstance, no purpose, no law whatsoever can ever make licit an act which is intrinsically illicit, since it is contrary to the law of God which is written in every human heart, knowable by reason itself, and proclaimed by the church." --- Pope Paul VI on abortion, Humanae Vitae encyclical (1968)

In western Europe, the Pope has decisively lost his battle against legal abortion, including in the Vatican's home country, Italy. But his reactionary views still have far-reaching effects in developing countries, and in the United States. The Vatican chose the United States to wage an all-out war against abortion, because America is its last chance to assert its will on the world. If influential U.S. policy on population control can be made to match papal policy, many other countries will have little choice but to follow suit.

In 1975, American Catholic bishops issued their Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities, a response not only to the NSSM 200 study, but to the legalization of abortion in the U.S. only two years before. This comprehensive blueprint laid out numerous objectives, such as:

passing a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution, giving full human rights to fetuses
lobbying for appointment of anti-abortion judges to the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade, or at least restrict abortion legally as much as possible
lobbying all types of leadership (business, government, professions, academic, labour) and the media to promote public policies against abortion
working with non-Catholic churches to advocate the anti-abortion view
using the Catholic press and Catholic schools and churches to disseminate political and educational information against abortion

With the exception of the passing of a Human Life Amendment, the bishops' pastoral plan has been largely implemented and successful.

The importance of the issue of abortion to the Catholic hierarchy cannot be underestimated. According to Timothy Byrnes, author of the 1991 book Catholic Bishops in American Politics, abortion occupies a unique position on the Catholic hierarchy's public policy agenda. Byrnes says: "Abortion is not one issue among many for the bishops. It is rather the bedrock, non-negotiable starting point from which the rest of their agenda has developed. The bishops' positions on other issues have led to political action and political controversy, but abortion ... has been a consistently central feature of the Catholic hierarchy's participation in American politics." (pg. 143)

How did the bishops accomplish their agenda, not only against abortion, but against world population control?

Hidden Power of The Catholic Hierarchy

"The Church has the power of employing force and [of exercising] direct and indirect temporal power." --- Vatican encyclical Quata Cura, Pope Pius IX, 1864

The Vatican agenda against U.S. population control policy does not reflect the position of 93% of American Catholics. Almost all of these liberal Catholics, including large numbers of priests and nuns, do not support the Pope's stance against birth control, abortion, women's ordination, and many other progressive issues. Unfortunately, liberal Catholics have very little political power and influence.

But the Vatican in Rome has vast resources, wealth, and minions at its disposal, and it uses these to continually inject the papal viewpoint into American politics, education, the media, and the private sphere. Within the United States resides a powerful and conservative Catholic hierarchy of cardinals and bishops who answer only to Rome. In addition, many key players in the American government have been devout Roman Catholics, including former CIA chief William Casey, former Secretary of State Alexander Haig, Reagan's National Security Advisors Richard Allen and William Clark, and many, many others.

Mumford documents the instrumental role that Catholic bishops played in the 1976 presidential election, and subsequent elections (pgs. 98-103; 163-165; 355-357). Both Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford actively courted the Catholic vote, and worked to establish a supportive relationship with the bishops. One of the deals Carter made with 15 Catholic leaders was to de-emphasize federal support for family planning in exchange for Catholic support for his Presidential race. Once elected, Carter put the two federal agencies with family planning programs under Catholic control, effectively rendering them useless.

Similarly, the bishops succeeded in their efforts to elect conservative Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush. In both of these administrations, U.S. population policy reflected Vatican policy. In 1982, Reagan struck a deal with Pope John Paul II to cut off funding to U.S. foreign aid programs that promoted population control, in exchange for Vatican funding of the Polish Solidarity movement (Blanchard, 1994). Both Reagan and Bush made numerous appointments from the ranks of the Religious Right, who then waged a campaign of bureaucratic harassment and obstruction against the family planning establishment. Bishops were allowed to infiltrate every U.S. government office that had anything to do with population control. Reagan and Bush also appointed five Supreme Court Justices and 70% of all sitting judges in the federal court system, all of them anti-abortion (Mumford, pg. 165).

Although the Catholic hierarchy suffered a setback with the election of pro-choice President Bill Clinton in 1992, they and the rest of the Religious Right began a concerted campaign of undermining his credibility. From the moment he took office, Clinton has been hounded by charges intended to embarrass him and to weaken his ability to govern effectively. Mumford characterizes the attacks on Clinton as "ugly, bitter, brutal, and vicious" and as coming from everywhere -- the House, the Senate, radio and television talk shows, newspapers and magazines, and Rush Limbaugh (and most recently, Kenneth Starr). The conservative Catholic press has led the charge and have been the most aggressive (pg. 318).

Vatican Abuse of Ecumenism

"The Church has the power to define dogmatically the religion of the Catholic Church to be the only true religion." / "No man is free to embrace and profess that religion which he believes to be true, guided by the light of reason." --- Vatican encyclical Quata Cura, Pope Pius IX, 1864

As part of the Pastoral Plan for Pro-life Activities, the Vatican fostered an ecumenical movement with evangelical Protestants. Not only would this give its cause considerably more strength and numbers, but, according to Mumford, it served to "give the appearance that Protestants were the instigators" of the anti-abortion, anti-contraception movement (pg. 308). Indeed, most Americans identify the Protestant Religious Right as the main enemy of abortion rights. This is mainly because the Vatican's campaign against population control relies on stealth and censorship. For example, the Vatican has taken the "protest" out of Protestants. Until the pastoral plan was implemented, Protestant denominations freely protested or criticized the Catholic Church. By forging alliances with them, the bishops silenced them.

The Catholic hierarchy was instrumental in promoting and directing the Religious Right. In the late 1980's, it made an alliance with the powerful and very conservative Southern Baptist Convention. But even earlier, the Catholic hierarchy was basically responsible for creating both the Moral Majority, and later, the Christian Coalition. Catholic extremist Paul Weyrich recruited both Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson to lead the groups. Mumford shows that the leadership of the Christian Coalition is largely controlled by Catholics, and a large proportion of their staff is Catholic. Mumford states: "It is likely that much of the work of the Coalition, even in targeting Protestants, is accomplished by thousands of paid employees of the Catholic Church." (pg. 179).

The Christian Coalition is a powerful political organization that plays a large role in shaping the outcome of American elections. Mumford documents the takeover of the Republican Party by the Christian Coalition. In 1991, Pat Robertson stated his dream for the Coalition: "We want ... as soon as possible to see a working majority of the Republican Party in the hands of pro-family Christians by 1996." By 1994, Mumford says, "the Christian Right exercised complete domination of Republican parties in 13 states and considerable control in 18 others." (pg. 308) In the 1994 election, the Republican party won control of both houses of Congress, for the first time in 40 years.

Silencing of the Press

"This pressure [of the Catholic Church on American journalism] is one of the most important forces in American life, and the only one about which secrecy is generally maintained, no newspaper being brave enough to discuss it, although all fear it and believe that the problem should be dragged into the open and made publicly known." --- George Seldes, journalist and media critic, Lords of the Press (1938)

The Vatican is against almost all the democratic principles we hold dear, including freedom of the press, freedom of association, and freedom of religion. The "infallible" Pope Pius IX branded freedom of the press as intrinsically evil, and denied it was a legitimate right. Freedom of the press, he said, "does not allow a man to print what is wrong, what is known to be false, or what is calculated to undermine and destroy the moral and religious fiber of individuals and the peace and harmony of nations." Of course, the Church has decided it is the supreme judge of what is wrong, false, and moral.

The Church hierarchy has been very successful at silencing criticism of the Catholic Church in the North American press. The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights is the main group fighting "anti-Catholicism" in the press, supported by the Catholic hierarchy. Methods include sending continuous barrages of press releases to get the conservative Catholic viewpoint across, and demanding equal time when opposing views are published. If something is printed in the mainstream press that is critical of Catholicism, the Catholic League demands retractions, organizes petitions, threatens boycotts, publicly humiliates dissenters, and tries to get the offending reporter fired. Mumford documents numerous examples of these activities (pg. 289-302). The 1994 and 1995 annual reports of the Catholic League list 350 of its attacks on media, activist groups, businesses, schools, and governments.

Vatican Interference at the United Nations

"Does the Vatican rule the world? The world is not here to be dictated to. And let me tell you, the delegates here represent more than five billion people in the world, and not only 190 at the Vatican." --- Maher Mahran, Egypt's minister of population, U.N. International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, 1994

This decade has seen the United Nations become more and more involved in helping countries implement population control measures, and in promoting the education and empowerment of women in developing countries as a means to achieve these goals. The Vatican has consistently fought against these advances at United Nations conferences, denying that an overpopulation problem even exists. It also lobbies strongly against solutions to global warming, because to admit this as a serious threat would be to admit the overpopulation problem that led to it.

The Vatican stands virtually alone on the world stage in defending its position. It has managed to ally itself with only a few Muslim and other reactionary countries, some with records of serious human rights abuses. Nevertheless, the Vatican has enjoyed considerable success at hampering the progress of the United Nations on population and environmental issues, because of its special status as a Non-member State Permanent Observer, a status shared by no other religion.

The Vatican is in a privileged position to directly influence U.N. policy by negotiating and voting on recommendations just like any national government. It uses its strong voice to block consensus at international conferences.

But at recent United Nations conferences, a new and more negative image of the Vatican has materialized. Because of its isolation and its extremist views, it has lost a great deal of international credibility. Furthermore, the Vatican's reputation as a moral authority lies in tatters. Its views are largely ignored by the masses, including most Catholics, who have become cynical and disillusioned by their Church's lost grip on reality. Non-Catholics generally consider the antics of the Vatican to be nothing more than a bad joke.

So relentless is the Vatican in its drive to push its agenda onto everyone else, so determined is it to retain its power and influence regardless of the cost in human suffering, that it has probably inflicted irreparable harm on the institution of the papacy. The Vatican's stance against population control measures is a desperate, last-ditch attempt to save itself from the blind alley it embarked upon in 1870, with the dogma of papal infallibility.

The Vatican is on a path to self-destruction. The question is: can we stop the Vatican before it drags the rest of the world with it?

References and Further Reading Blanchard, Dallas A. The Anti-Abortion Movement and the Rise of the Religious Right. Twayne Publishers, New York. 1994.

Blanshard, Paul. American Freedom and Catholic Power. The Beacon Press, Boston. 1949.

Byrnes, Timothy. Catholic Bishops in American Politics. Princeton University Press, New Jersey. 1991.

Manning, Joanna. Is the Pope Catholic? A Woman Confronts Her Church. Malcolm Lester Books, Toronto. 1999.

Mumford, Stephen D. The Life and Death of NSSM 200: How the Destruction of Political Will Doomed a U.S. Population Policy. Center for Research on Population and Security, North Carolina. 1996.

Seldes, George. Lords of the Press. Julian Messner Inc., New York. 1938.

United Nations, Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 1998 Revision of the World Population Estimates and Projections. http://www.popin.org/pop1998/

Join the Campaign! To Downgrade Vatican Status at the U.N.

Catholics for a Free Choice is sponsoring an international campaign to reduce the status of the Vatican at the United Nations from a Non-member State Permanent Observer, to a non-governmental organization (NGO). The Pro-Choice Action Network is an official supporter of this campaign.

To join the campaign, please fill out and mail the postcard enclosed with your newsletter. Postcards will be sent to the U.N's Secretary-General Kofi Annan, asking him to review the Vatican's status.

If you would like additional postcards, please contact the Pro-Choice Action Network or Catholics for a Free Choice. Groups can support the campaign by joining the list of official supporters -- just call or e-mail Catholics for a Free Choice with your group's name and a one-sentence description of it.

Catholics for a Free Choice: Phone: 202-986-6093; Fax: 202-332-7995; Email: cffc@igc.apc.org; Web: http://www.seechange.org

Protester Released from Jail Mary Wagner, a 25-year old anti-abortion protester, was given a six month suspended sentence in June and ordered to stay away from Vancouver's abortion clinics. Wagner was arrested earlier this year for violating the Access to Abortion Services Act (bubble zone law) at both Everywoman's Health Centre and the Elizabeth Bagshaw Women's Clinic.

However, Wagner refused to sign a recognizance order that she keep the peace, be of good behaviour, and keep out of the bubble zones. The judge ruled that Wagner didn't have to sign the order if she understood it.

Wagner spent a month in jail because of her refusal to stay away from the clinics, so it is hard to understand why the judge trusts her now. Wagner's suspended sentence also does not reflect the gravity of her crimes. She was not simply holding a protest sign inside the bubble zone -- she actually blockaded the door to Everywoman's.

If Wagner returns to either clinic, we fully expect the courts to trade her suspended sentence for some jail time.

Man Jailed for Terror Campaign Ronald Wylie, the Hamilton man who sent ten threatening packages to the Hamilton-Spectator newspaper, and one to Vancouver Hospital, was sentenced to two years in jail on June 8 by an angry judge.

After pleading guilty to three of the five counts of threatening death, Wylie's lawyer argued for a "short, sharp" sentence. Earlier, a plea bargain deal had fallen apart when Wylie balked at a five-month sentence. But the judge, clearly disgusted by what he had read in Wylie's messages, and unimpressed by Wylie's denials of violent intent, handed down a two-year sentence, much to the shock of everyone in the courtroom.

The judge said: "These [packages] were a planned, deliberate, sober-minded, and prolonged terrifying assault." Wylie was also given three years probation, banned from possessing weapons, and ordered to have no contact with any of the abortion providers named in his messages.

Child Cannot Sue Mother For Injuries Suffered in Womb

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled 7-2 on July 9 that Ryan Dobson of New Brunswick cannot sue his mother for injuries he sustained in his mother's womb after she had a car accident. Ryan, now 6, was born prematurely after the accident and suffers from cerebral palsy.

The decision upholds previous Supreme Court rulings that a fetus has no legal protection under Canadian law and that the courts cannot impose limits on lifestyle choices of pregnant women. The Canadian Abortion Rights Action League (CARAL) intervened in the case, saying that allowing a child to sue its mother for prenatal injuries would mean that women would risk lawsuits for any activity that resulted in injury to a fetus, including working or engaging in sports.

CARAL stated that a better solution to these tragic situations, rather than using the law, is to make funding available to help families cover the costs of caring for children with special needs.

The Dobson family's insurance company will reportedly provide an undisclosed settlement to Ryan in spite of the legal judgement, but for a lower amount than if the family had won the case.

Parker Loses Again Delta Police Constable Steven Parker has lost his second appeal to set aside the disciplinary measures he received for his unauthorized use of a police computer database. Parker had been given a five-day suspension without pay for running licence place numbers of clinic staff and patients at the Everywoman's Health Centre in 1993.

The BC Court of Appeal upheld an earlier ruling by the BC Supreme Court, which dismissed Parker's attempt to evade his punishment. Parker argued at both courts that the Delta Police Department did not begin disciplinary proceedings against him until after the statutory time limit set out in the Police Act, thereby invalidating the proceedings on a technicality. However, as the appeal court justices pointed out, the proceedings were initiated by a citizen's public complaint against Parker. If the time limits in the Act were applied, it would mean that the Police Department could stop citizens from making complaints against it simply through inaction.

Marg Panton and Will Offley, Everywoman's former employee and former volunteer security coordinator, respectively, initiated the complaint against Parker after they had their plates checked by Parker. The internal police investigation found that Parker had run at least five different plates of clinic staff and patients. Unsatisfied with Parker's initial punishment of a four-day suspension, Panton and Offley requested a public inquiry, which increased the suspension to five days. The pair appealed that decision, too, arguing that Parker's offences were serious enough to warrant dismissal.

Parker tried to block the Panton/Offley appeal by trying to have his suspension set aside.

However, Parker's suspension remains in limbo because the appeal court agreed with Parker that Susan Brice, a BC police commissioner appointed to hear the Panton/Offley appeal, should be disqualified for bias, because she had publicly stated her pro-choice position in the past.

In a separate proceeding against him in 1997, Parker was also found guilty of additional licence plate searches and received a minor demotion. The pro-choice community has always suspected that Parker shared confidential information on clinic staff and patients with others in the anti-choice movement, and that this may have led to known incidents of harassment and vandalism. However, this was never proven in court.

Not a Pretty Picture Watson and Hof in the Photo Wars

It's well-known that the anti-choice are no friends to the New Democratic Party. They regularly engage in NDP-bashing in their literature and on their websites, and generally do anything they can to discredit the party and its members. Here's a story of two examples of such efforts by local anti-choice activists, which when taken together, seem to cancel each other out.

In April, local anti-choice activist Gordon Watson went to court to try to get unsealed a photograph he said shows BC Premier Glen Clark with a man facing a number of criminal charges. The photo shows Clark with Kwok Chung Tam, who was on bail for drug possession and weapons charges. In court, Watson quoted Jean Chretien as saying "Canadians have the right to know who is trying to influence public officials."

It appears, however, that Kwok Chung Tam had simply shown up at Clark's constituency office one day and asked if he could have a picture taken with the premier. Clark had no idea who Tam was, but as politicians are prone to do (it's practically part of their job), he graciously allowed a picture to be taken.

Then, in late June, Gordon Watson attended the NDP convention, together with a camera and a cohort -- John Hof, President of Campaign Life Coalition of BC. While there, John Hof seized a passing opportunity to have his picture taken with the ever-obliging Clark. Hof posted the picture on his website with the bold headline "Clark Courts Anti-Abortion Activist." Of course, once again, Clark had no idea who his "fan" was.

The text accompanying Hof's picture reads: "British Columbia Premier Glen Clark is shown here presenting John Hof with the much coveted Joan Smallwood most well-known anti-choice militant outside the United States Award." (This sounds like Hof's head may have grown too big for his brain.) Hof goes on to say: "The award is presented annually to an individual found exercising their rights in a free and open democracy - who are then identified by the New Democratic Party as extremist, militant, and notorious. The NDP slant enables the government to then silence any opposition to their policy on abortion - it's no choice but pro-choice!"

These two incidents appear to be a case of the left hand not knowing (or caring) what the right hand is doing. Watson is trying to convince people that if Clark has his picture taken with a shady character, Clark must be in cahoots with him. But Hof's picture-taking escapade clearly puts the lie to that premise, since we know Clark and Hof normally wouldn't touch each other with a ten-foot pole. And it is Watson, a convicted violent offender, who appears to be in cahoots with Hof. It might even have been Watson's camera that captured Hof and Clark, although since Watson is known to the premier, Hof may have gotten someone else to push the button.

The fact that Hof orchestrated a deceitful childish prank as a way to embarrass the government seems to cast him in the role of "shady character", as far as the pro-choice community is concerned. It's also worth mentioning in this context that Hof proclaimed in 1991 that "There's going to be blood in the streets!" if the NDP ever funded abortions in BC. The pro-choice community takes this to be a very "shady" statement indeed.

If we held a "Most Shady Character" contest for all the players in this little photo war, we would declare Hof to be the easy winner, with Watson not far behind. Tam comes in a distant third, and Clark gets disqualified due to lack of evidence.

Canada News Bites Legal Abortion Anniversary -- The Canadian pro-choice community recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of the May 14, 1969 passage of the "Omnibus Bill." This bill decriminalized contraception and homosexual activity, legalized abortion under certain circumstances, and made divorce more accessible. Pierre Trudeau defended the bill at the time by saying: "The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation."

"Reformed" Constitution -- The BC Reform party has drawn up a draft constitution for BC that would allow citizens to initiate binding referendums to repeal or create laws. Two issues that Reform would like to put to a referendum, according to Reform's first vice-president Chris Delaney, are allowing unregistered firearm ownership and banning public funding of abortions. Reform BC has also promised to abolish human rights by ditching the BC Human Rights Act.

Morgentaler Denied Again -- Dr. Henry Morgentaler's request for the New Brunswick government to fund his abortion clinic in Fredericton has been turned down again. Newly elected premier Bernard Lord says it won't happen. Morgentaler's Fredericton clinic opened in 1994 and performs about 500 abortions a year.

Kopp Charged in Doctor Slaying James Kopp, the anti-abortion protester wanted for questioning in the slaying of Dr. Barnett Slepian, has been charged with second-degree murder in the case by a New York grand jury. Kopp was also charged with first-degree reckless endangerment and criminal possession of a weapon. The state charges supersede murder charges filed in May by local police in Amherst, New York, where Slepian lived. As a result of the new charges, Canadian police have officially named Kopp as a suspect in the shootings of three Canadian doctors since 1994.

In early June, Kopp was placed on the FBI's ten-most-wanted list. Also on the list is fellow anti-abortion extremist Eric Rudolph, wanted for killing two people and injuring hundreds when he bombed two clinics, a nightclub, and the Olympic stadium in Atlanta. Rudolph is still believed to be in hiding in the North Carolina wilderness.

Kopp has eluded authorities since the Slepian murder in October, 1998. FBI agent Bernard Tolbert said investigators have received numerous leads since Kopp was added to the most-wanted list, but none have panned out. However, Tolbert said, "I'm confident one day we will get the right tip." The reward for information leading to Kopp's capture and conviction now stands at $650,000 U.S.

U.S. News Bites Randall Terry Must Pay -- In mid-June, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to spare Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry and other anti-abortion leaders from paying $600,000 in fines and legal fees. Terry and the others had challenged contempt-of-court fines and legal fees stemming from blockades of several New York City area clinics in 1988 and 1989. The Supreme Court rejected the appeal without comment, thereby upholding two previous decisions by appeals courts that ruled the fines and fees were justified.

U.S. Votes to Ban Mifepristone -- The House voted for the second year in a row to forbid the government to test, develop, or approve the abortion-inducing drug mifepristone (formerly RU-486). However, the bill's chances for becoming law this year are slim, since the more moderate Senate may still veto it. Leading anti-abortion lawmaker Christopher Smith, called mifepristone "another baby pesticide that kills babies."

site created by sarah for lefty lucy communications

Secrecy called a Vatican mind-set


News of


Vatican Headlines

Secrecy called a Vatican mind-set

Kathleen A. Shaw
Worcester Telegram & Gazette
August 12, 2003

Although a 1962 Vatican document detailing how certain sexual abuse allegations are to be handled shows the mind-set of secrecy of the Catholic hierarchy, it may not be as crucial as some people want to believe, according to the Rev. Thomas P. Doyle.

"The Vatican document did not cause the clandestine mode of dealing with clergy sex abuse," he said.

Rev. Doyle, now an Air Force chaplain in Germany, is the canon lawyer who wrote one of the original reports in the 1980s alerting American bishops that they had a problem with clergy sexual abuse and needed to take action.

His report was initially disregarded and was not acted on by the bishops. He has since been speaking out for the rights of clergy sexual abuse victims.

Construing the document as "a substitute for civil law action" or as a way to hide clergy who commit sex crimes may be "stretching a bit too far," he said.

Rev. Doyle said that if it turned out "the document actually has been the foundation of a continuous policy to cover clergy crimes at all costs, then we have quite another issue.

"There are too many authenticated reports of victims having been seriously intimidated into silence by church authorities to assert that such intimidation is the exception and not the norm.

"If this document has been used as a justification for this intimidation, then we possibly have what some of the more critical commentators have alleged, namely, a blueprint for a cover-up. This is obviously a big "if' which requires concrete proof," he said.

"It should not be too difficult to see why so many have seen in the 1962 Vatican Instruction a smoking gun. Over the past 18 years, but especially since January 2002, we have witnessed wave after wave of deception, stonewalling, outright lying, intimidation of victims and complex schemes to manipulate the truth and obstruct justice," Rev. Doyle said.

Although canon lawyers have one view on the document, civil lawyers handling sexual abuse lawsuits have a different understanding. Canon lawyers deal with the laws that govern operation of the church, which has its own legal system.

Houston lawyer Daniel J. Shea and Boston lawyer Carmen L. Durso recently presented a copy of the 1962 document to U.S. Attorney Michael J. Sullivan in Boston and urged him to act on what they see as an international conspiracy by the church to hush up sexual abuse issues.

Mr. Shea said yesterday that canon lawyers and civil lawyers may see the issue differently, but he stands by his assertion that the document shows the Vatican has been behind the "cover-up" of clergy sexual abuse for years.

Rev. Doyle said the Vatican document was sent to every bishop in the world but he believes "detailed awareness" of the content might be limited, although it has been discussed by canon lawyers and Vatican officials.

The 1962 document, sometimes called by its Latin name Crimen Sollicitiones, provided for secrecy because of the nature of the crimes, which involved sexual abuse of children and of animals.

"It may seem to be some sort of clandestine plan, but in fact it is an expansion, with added detail, of the procedural laws to be followed," Rev. Doyle said.

Imposing strict secrecy is not unusual and is imposed for a variety of reasons, he said. The secrecy was intended to "assure witnesses that they can speak freely" and to protect reputations until guilt or innocence is determined, he said.

Rev. Doyle said the "almost paranoid insistence on secrecy" is probably related to "the scandal that would arise were the public to hear stories of priests committing such terrible crimes," he said. The other is "protection of the inviolability of the sacrament of penance."

Although the concept of secrecy might have been understandable in the time the document was written and approved by Pope John XXIII, it has helped in "preventing both justice and compassionate care for victims," he said.

"It has enabled the widespread spirit of denial among clergy, hierarchy and laity. The secrecy has been justified to avoid scandal when in fact it has enabled even more scandal," Rev. Doyle said.

He said some assertions that the document was obscure and was unknown by the majority of bishops might be true but he said copies "have been stored in church offices throughout the world."

William Donohue, president of the Catholic League, said the document deals exclusively with solicitation of a person during the sacrament of Confession "and does not concern sexual abuse crime."

Although the document specifies solicitation of sexual crimes in the confessional or in the context of Confession, two of the civil lawsuits in the Worcester Catholic Diocese involve allegations that children were sexually abused by priests in the context of the confessional.

Karen A. Pedersen of Fitchburg said in her suit that her alleged sexual abuse by the Rev. Robert E. Kelley involved the confessional. A similar allegation has been made by Timothy P. Staney of Worcester in his allegations involving the Rev. Jean-Paul Gagnon.

Mr. Donohue accused Mr. Shea and Mr. Durso of being behind an "invidious caper." He also called them "irresponsible lawyers."

Copyright 2003 Worcester Telegram & Gazette Corp.

Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

The Secret Order of The Illuminati

The Secret Order of The Illuminati
A Brief History of the "Moriah" and the Shadow Government

by Wes Penre

This whole thing with the Illuminati and a Shadow Government may be unreal to many people, but stay with me for a while and give it a chance. Most of us can agree upon that something is very wrong with this planet. Civil wars, diseases, famine, ethnic cleansing, religious wars, different violations of human rights ... the list is long and it just goes on. Are all those bad conditions totally separated from each other, or do they have a common source?

All I ask from you is to think for yourself. Throw away everything "you've been told", things "you've learnt in school", what you've "heard on the radio", what you've "seen on Television", what "politicians have told you" etc. - just for a moment. Let's start thinking for ourselves for just awhile. It's not too often we have that opportunity. We are constantly fed with propaganda, bad news, opinions, lies and there are tons of untold secrets. Life is hectic; we have to earn a living, and we are afraid to be laid off work. Our survival is threatened on a daily basis, and this is the direction in which much thinking goes these days. So what is it that causes so much fear and uncertainty in our lives? Is life really this threatening, or is somebody creating this condition on purpose? Much of the fear and terror is spread through Media, which is owned by a few people at the very top of the society. And those people have their very own agenda ...

The Illuminati (or Moriah Conquering Wind as they prefer to call themselves these days) is a very secretive group of occult practitioners who have been around for thousands and thousands of years. It is not a boys' club or a group of adults parents trying to get some excitement in life; this is something much bigger than that. This is a very well structured organization consisting of people in extremely High Places. Those people are the Super Wealthy, who stand above the law. Many of them don't even appear on the list of the wealthiest people in the world - it's that secret.

This web site has a certain purpose. First of all I will try to brief you on the current scene, especially the political one, in the world of today. When this is done, I will try to explain what is really happening, not the false information you get when you follow the news on Television or in the newspapers. I will try to comment on important things we are fed with through different Media and explain or debate them. All this based on the facts I am going to give you soon. Also, this web site will be currently updated as new information comes in. But to understand it all, you have to be briefed on the scene of this planet, the version you were never meant to get - the truth certain people don't want you to know...


The word Illuminati means 1. People claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a subject. 2. Illuminati Any of various groups claiming special religious enlightenment. Latin illuminati, from pl. of illuminatus, past participle of illuminare, to light up. See illuminate. These definitions are taken from "The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language".

L to R - Warren Buffett, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lord Jacob Rothschild at Waddesdon Manor.
Those people are the top players on the International playground, basically belonging to the thirteen of the wealthiest families in the world, and they are the men who really rule the world from behind the scene (yes, they are mostly men, with a few exceptions). They are the "Black Nobility", the Decision Makers, who make up the rules for presidents and governments to follow, and they are often held from public scrutiny, as their action can't stand being scrutinized. Their bloodlines go back thousands and thousands of years, and they are very careful with keeping those bloodlines pure from generation to generation. The only way to do so is by interbreeding.

Their power lies in the occult and in economy - money creates power. The Illuminati own all the International banks, the oil-businesses, the most powerful businesses of industry and trade, they infiltrate politics and they own most governments - or at least control them. An example of this is the American election for presidency. It is no secret that the candidate who gets the most sponsorship in form of money wins the election, as this gives the power to "un-create" the opposed candidate.

And who sponsors the "right" candidate? The Illuminati do. More often than not they sponsor both sides to have a game going. They decide who will be the next president, and they see to that their man wins, even if they have to cheat like they did in Florida when President George W Bush "won" over Al Gore. Most president campaigns are financed with drug money, which is understandable if you know that the Illuminati run the drug trade as well. Elections are really not necessary, but they let us vote so we can have a game, and by letting us, they pretend to follow the Constitution.

But is the President really running the game? Not the least. The power does not lie with the politicians, but with the Illuminati, whose top members are mostly International Bankers. The leading candidates for Presidency are carefully chosen from the occult bloodlines of the thirteen Illuminati families, and if we research all the Presidents of the United States from the beginning and up to now, we will see that almost all of them are of the same royal bloodline, and they are all "family"; related by ancestry and family trees. Royalty is equivalent to the Illuminati.

So what are the goals of the Illuminati? To create a One World Government and a New World Order, with them on top to rule the world into slavery and fascism. This is a very old goal of theirs, and to understand it fully, one must realize that this goal isn't of a kind that's supposed to be obtained within one lifetime - it has been a goal that slowly is to be accomplished over a long period of time.

This goal has been planned away from the public's prying eyes, in secrecy within the Secret Societies. All Secret Societies with secret grades of initiation are owned and controlled by the Illuminati, and Freemasonry is maybe the best known. The persons who control the societies and the Illuminati are occultists and Satanists, and they practice Black Magic. Their God is Lucifer. "The Light Bearer", and by occult practices they manipulate and influence the masses. It doesn't matter if you and I believe in this or not, as long as they do. And they take it very seriously.

It's a thrilling thought, that this planet as a matter of fact is run with Black Magic - a planet where magic is not supposed to exist at all in any shape and form, except in the movies and in books, and if somebody tells you it does exist, he/she will most certainly be ridiculed. After people have watched movies like "Lord of the Rings" they wish there was more magic in their lives; little do they know ...

From the occult, mind control and Intelligence have developed. By taking over the Movie Industry, the Record companies, and by their control of the Fine Arts, they know how to influence the teenagers to dance to their own tune and accept their kind of reality. This makes sense if you look at what kind of "entertainment" we are enforced to enjoy.

The music the teenagers have to listen to is often totally without quality and lead them into robotism, apathy, violence and drugs. It's also used for mind control, as we shall see later. Real quality music is rejected by the big record companies in favor for those with lack of talent. Since Black Sabbath in the beginning of the 70's and the Rolling Stones before them, Satanism has been promoted through the music industry. Many groups followed on the same track and have always been Hard Sale and heavily promoted and distributed.

The same thing goes with Hollywood, which is also controlled and created by the Illuminati. The "E.T"-movies, Dooms Day films and catastrophe-movies all align with the purpose to influence us in certain directions. Satanic movies have also been made popular. All to prepare for days to come ...

I told you above that the men who control the Illuminati are members of thirteen wealthy families. Who they are have been a well hidden secret, and the leadership has gone from man to man over generations. Nevertheless, no secrecy is kept forever, and sooner or later there will be leaks, so also in this case. Not many people know who these families are exactly, but quite recently this has become known, due to people from Illuminati who have left the Order and revealed the most remarkable data. So here are the names of the 13 families - the Secret Government.

1. Astor
2. Bundy
3. Collins
4. DuPont
5. Freeman
6. Kennedy
7. Li (Chinese)
8. Onassis
9. Rockefeller
10. Rothschild
11. Russell
12. van Duyn
13. Merovingian (European Royal Families)

Those families can be studied in more details in Fritz Springmeier's excellent book: "The Bloodlines of the Illuminati".

Secret societies

The Secret Societies have been present in the history of man for a very long time. It all started thousands of years ago with the "Brotherhood of the Snake", a secret society that refers to Satan (the Great Serpent) back in the Garden of Eden. The Illuminati consider Satan being to good God and the Old Testament God to be evil. Their opinion is that Satan gave man knowledge, while God tried to suppress the same. From this viewpoint Satanism was developed and is practiced within the secret societies up until this day.

There are different theories as of where the secret knowledge within the secret societies comes from, and I am going to mention the two most common theories:

In the Sumerian Scriptures, which go back at least 6000 years, the stone tablets tell us about the Anunnaki "they who from heaven came". According to researchers like Zachariah Sitchin, David Icke and William Bramley, the Anunnaki were the Gods mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible, and they were aliens who came from another planet and created humankind as a slave race to serve them. The Sumerian Scriptures tell us about Anu, who was the king of the Anunnaki, and Ea (or Enki), who is equivalent to Satan. He is told to be the one who gave the knowledge to man in the Garden of Eden, and created the first secret society, the above mentioned "The Brotherhood of the Snake". The Anunnaki is said to have come here to exploit the resources of the Earth; especially gold, as this was something they were lacking on their planet, and they urgently needed it as an important ingredient in their atmosphere. Thus Ea, who was a brilliant scientist, created homo sapiens as a hybrid between a primitive earth life-form and the alien race.

Enki (Ea) is sitting on the chair to the right

First homo sapiens was only meant for slave labor and couldn't breed. Later on this was changed. Ea didn't like, though, how his created race was treated by his people, and wanted to enlighten them by teaching them who they were and where they came from. He also wanted to tell them the well hidden truth that each individual is a spirit inhabiting a body and that after body death the spirit lives on and reincarnates on Earth.

David Icke, who has researched the Illuminati for decades, claims that the top Illuminati bloodlines are shape shifting reptilians, aliens not from space, but from another dimension, and that THEY actually are the Anunnaki "Gods". According to him, they are the ones in charge of the secret societies. Those entities have the ability to shape shift into human form, and he says he has hundreds of witnesses who have seen them shape shift back into reptilian form.

The Christian viewpoint on this is that the Anunnaki in fact were the Giants that walked the Earth, which the Bible is talking about. Those Giants were the nephilim, who rebelled towards God and were cast down to Earth from Heaven, together with their master, Satan. Christians explain the shape shifting theory by saying that the aliens in fact are demons and the nephilim. They mean that the persons that have been seen shape shifting are merely demon possessed due to their black magic practices, and sometimes the demons "bleed through" and show themselves, either in reptilian form or as the "grey aliens". Maybe the different conclusions are just different interpretations of the same thing?

Whatever the truth is, there is definitely something going on. There are too many witnesses, and in the era of the Internet it is easier for people to communicate world wide. This may be the reason why we hear so much about this phenomenon now, where there once was silence. There is no Media cover-up on the Internet. On the other hand, we cannot take everybody that steps forward on the Internet seriously, as things like these also can create psychological chain reactions. Some people may "believe" they have experienced something that they actually haven't. This is not meant to be a religious web site, so I will not argue too much about these things; especially as I don't have the answers myself. On the contrary, this site has as one of its' purposes to explain the world situation from an objective viewpoint - as objective as possible.

The Nephilim might have been here before us. I don't know that for certain. Robert Morningsky tells of the Star Elder whose craft crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in the 1950's. He was rescued by the indigenous people of the area and brought back to the reservation to recuperate. There he later taught selected children of the tribe the tales of the Nephilim and their overseer, Anki. Anki / Ea, the son of An, used his spare time in the creation of humans from genetic materials of the Nephilim and other beings. An was persuaded by his other son, Enlil, to relieve Anki of his duties and permit him, Enlil, to take over from his brother. Anki resisted this and at first succeeded in maintaining his position.

To protect the humans from the potential oppression of his taskmaster brother, he developed in humans the capacity of powerful feeling, emotion, and ecstasy as well as intuition. Eventually, however, Enlil won out and Anki was replaced as the overseer of the Nephilim. But Anki was permitted to continue his experiments. Anki became revered as the Creator and Enlil as the evil taskmaster. It was the Creator who brought "the power of the heart" to humanity while Enki was more interested in control and power. This Manichaean duality of goodness and evil can be seen in our experience on Earth. Knowledge is also a two-edged sword and people are easily fooled to believe that it is all "good." While bringing us tantalizing toys and wondrous invention, it has also brought us the greater capacity for destruction of the world and each other.

Without Wisdom, Knowledge can be very dangerous and can be used as much to control and oppress each other as to open us to new possibilities. But the greatest danger is that in learning Knowledge, we lose our true connection to the Creator, the creation and the creativity of spirit. Without intuition, vision, and dreams the creativity of science would be short-circuited into mere technology and the technology short-circuited into control and power. Working at the cutting edge of science is not the same as working at the center. Most people have never understood that knowledge by itself can block the creativity of new thoughts and nes possibilities. Trained as a scientist, I discovered that science is a limited form of thinking. We need to use our heart as well as our mind to walk in a balanced way, in harmony with all beings in the web of life.

This is the path shown us by Anki, the Creator, but which has been limited by Enlil the controller and oppressor... The tale that Anu/Enki is Satan is untrue. Satan is the evil twin, Enlil. To be a Satanist is to follow the way of mind without heart. Satan is the great divider and rules by confusion and ego. "God" is the ONE of whom we are the sons and daughters, the family that knows separation into parts is in reality, illusion. In following the illusions of Satan, thinking that one gains power and control, the universal connection is lost. Power and control assumes that there is something outside oneself that can be controlled. That is illusion. Even God external to oneself is an illusion.

White Eagle Soaring

The truth is; in the background throughout all history there are secret societies. The original Brotherhood soon split up in cults, when certain people on top were in disagreement with each other. Different powers of control developed, where they fought against each other internally (which still is the case today), out of sight from an ignorant population. They invented the different religions and sects and cults so man would be busy doing something else instead of looking into what the Brotherhood actually was doing. They put themselves in charge of the churches to entrap people and to spread conflicts between different belief systems. Most wars throughout history have been religious wars.

Out of the original Brotherhood came Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians, The Knight Templars, Ordo Templi Orientis, Knights of Malta and more. Some people may object and say that Freemasonry, for example, is a charity organization and even a Christian society. Yes, that's what we're told and that is what most members of the secret society believe. The vast majority of people involved are good people, who are ignorant of what is practiced on the highest levels; unaware of that up there is Satanism and worship of the dark forces. They don't serve God, they serve Satan or Lucifer, and this is the key to what is happening in the world of today.

The Bavarian Illuminati

Adam Weishaupt (1748-1811). basically a Jew, converted to become a Catholic Priest and ended up starting a "new" secret society called the Illuminati. Actually it was not new at all; it's been there long before then under different names, but during Weishaupt's lifetime this organization was revealed in public. It's unclear if he was the master-mind behind it, but most researchers, including myself, are more or less certain that Weishaupt was just a puppet for the Freemasonic Elite.

The Freemasons had recently started a new branch of Freemasonry - Freemasonry of the Scottish Rite with its 33 degrees of initiation. It's still today one of the most powerful secret societies in the world, including members within high politics, religious leaders, businessmen and other for them useful individuals. Things point in the direction that Weishaupt was sponsored by the Rothschild's, who then were (and still are) the heads of Freemasonry worldwide.

The Illuminati had its own grades ABOVE (or rather beside) the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. Even persons who were initiated to the higher degrees of Freemasonry had no knowledge of the Illuminati grades - it was that secret. Weishaupt planned to take over the world, and he made up distinct strategies to create a One World Government and a New World Order. All this was written down into something called the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", written in a way to put the blame on the Jews if the secret plan would leak.

And it did leak! An emissary for the Illuminati was struck by lightning when he rode over a field, carrying the Protocols, and they were found and revealed to the world. This was in the 1770's. Weishaupt and his Illuminati "Brothers" had to flee and work underground, due to that their organization was banned. It was decided by the Brotherhood that the name Illuminati should never again be used in public; instead front groups should be used to fulfill the purpose of world domination. One of the front groups were the Freemasons, who had a better reputation.

It is believed that Weishaupt was killed by his Freemason Brothers, as he was unable to keep his mouth and still continued to use the name Illuminati. There could also have been other reasons.

The secret goal, however, survived Weishaupt and the Rothschild's were now heads of the Illuminati (and still are today). A good help in the effort to reach the goal came from the Freemason Cecil Rhodes, who in the 19th Century tried to build a One World Government with the British Empire on top. This agenda was sponsored by the Rothschild's and it was also Rhodes who created the Round Table, a secret society in itself, named after King Arthur's Round Table, where the Brotherhood Elite is gathering up to this day.

World War I and II were both attempts to take over. After the Second World War people were so tired of all the killing that they welcomed the United Nations, when it was founded. The official policy of the UN was to safeguard the peace, so nothing like WW II would ever happen again. But indeed the UN was another important front organization for the Illuminati, to unite the countries of the world into one. Here is a typical example of how the Brotherhood works: "problem-reaction-solution". By starting two world wars they created a problem. This in turn created a reaction from the population, who wanted a solution to the wars. So the Illuminati created a solution to the problem they themselves started by founding the United Nation; one further step toward a One World Government. This eventually led to the EU project, which anyone, with his eyes open, can see goes right into the direction of the biggest fascist state known to man, where each country gets less and less power and sovereignty, and Europe is put under the reign of a few, in a centralized government. And who are running EU? The Freemasons and the Illuminati.

By creating galloping inflation, the International Bankers (read the Illuminati) have succeeded in making us believe that the only solution is a One Currency - the EMU. When that project is safeguarded, the Central European Bank (Illuminati) has all the power over the economy in Europe and can lead us in whatever direction they want. Some politicians are just ignorant and power hungry, while others are aware of facts and work for and with, the Illuminati. The innocent people, being deceived, are the ones who will suffer the most. This is a betrayal beyond comprehension.

The European Union will soon expand into the United Nations of Africa (something Bill Clinton worked hard on), Asia, and South America. The end phenomenon will be that all those United States will be merged into one big fascist state, which will last in a thousand years, regarding to their occult belief. This is the Golden Age - the Age of the Antichrist.

The secret societies and the Illuminati believe in the power of symbols. The world is full of their magic- and black magic symbols. However, we are so used to seeing them everywhere, that we don't even think about it. The Illuminati believe that the more symbols around, the more magic power to them. The insignia of the Illuminati and the New World Order is the "Pyramid with the All-Seeing- Eye", which you can study on the back of the U.S. One Dollar Bill (some years ago this symbol was also on a series of stamps released from the Vatican). The All-Seeing-Eye is the Eye of Horus, which is the Eye of Lucifer, and goes back to the Egyptian era. The One Dollar Bill was designed by President Roosevelt's administration, and the below letter from 1951 tells us that the President had a lot to do with its' design:

"In 1934 when I was Sec. of Agriculture I was waiting in the outer office of Secretary [of State Cordell] Hull and as I waited I amused myself by picking up a State Department publication which was on a stand there entitled, "The History of the Seal of the United States." Turning to page 53 I noted the colored reproduction of the reverse side of the Seal. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum impressed me as meaning the New Deal of the Ages. Therefore I took the publication to President Roosevelt and suggested a coin be put out with the obverse and reverse sides of the Seal.

Roosevelt as he looked at the colored reproduction of the Seal was first struck with the representation of the "All Seeing Eye," a Masonic representation of The Great Architect of the Universe. Next he was impressed with the idea that the foundation for the new order of the ages had been laid in 1776 but that it would be completed only under the eye of the Great Architect. Roosevelt like myself was a 32nd degree Mason. He suggested that the Seal be put on the dollar bill rather than a coin and took the matter up with the Secretary of the Treasury.

When the first draft came back from the Treasury the obverse side was on the left of the bill as is heraldic practice. Roosevelt insisted that the order be reversed so that the phrase "of the United States" would be under the obverse side of the Seal... Roosevelt was a great stickler for details and loved playing with them, no matter whether it involved the architecture of a house, a post office, or a dollar bill."

- Wallace's letter to Dal Lee
February 6, 1951

Other common symbols are the pentagram (five-pointed star), the hexagram (six-pointed star - The Star of David), the Swastika reversed (the way Hitler used it) and the pyramid in general.

Hexagram (click on the picture)

Pentagram (click on the picture)


NEXT.......PAGE TWO>>>>>

November 27, 2003 Used by permission of author. Original source: http://www.illuminati-news.com/moriah.htm

This is a crazy world. What can be done? Amazingly, we have been mislead. We have been taught that we can control government by voting. The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer Amschel Bauer, told the secret of controlling the government of a nation over 200 years ago. He said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws." Get the picture? Your freedom hinges first on the nation's banks and money system. That's why we advocate using the Liberty Dollar, to understand the monetary and banking system. Freedom is connected with Debt Elimination for each individual. Not only does this end personal debt, it places the people first in line as creditors to the National Debt ahead of the banks. They don't wish for you to know this. It has to do with recognizing WHO you really are in A New Beginning: A Practical Course in Miracles. You CAN take back your power and stop volunteering to pay taxes to the collection agency for the BEAST. You can take back that which is yours, always has been yours and use it to pay off your debts. And you can send others to these pages to discover what you are discovering.

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I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. (attributed to Voltaire), but certainly embodies what the 1st amendment of the constitution refers to as the freedom of speech

Bill of Rights
Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


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Sheeple Analyst Talk
911, Conspiracy and Illuminati
Bush Liars' Club
Choosing Evil
Conned by the Neocons
Defending the Indefensible
Do-Si-Do Takes Two to Tango
Fall of the WTC
Holocaust History
Laura Demos Stepford Lying
Outsourcing America
Partisan Politics, Propaganda
Peace through Strength Lies
Religion, Rights, Civility and NWO
Righteous Joe from WND
Role of Force in Libya
Roving Curveballs on Clarke
The Haters
The Tutti-Fruiti Express
WMD Lies
Zionism vs Jews
What are stem cell enhancers?
There is now an all natural, plant based extract, patented in 2004, and identified as a stem cell enhancer. The patent states that this natural botanical and its extracts support the release of adult stem cells from the bone marrow and into the bloodstream where they can then circulate throughout the body, helping to maintain the body's own Natural Healing System

Terrorists Behind the Terrorists
War Crimes
"Depleted" Uranium
Nuclear Threat and Use
Negotiating in Good Faith
Occupation Responsibilities
Protection of Civilians

911 - The Inside Job -- video
Malfeasance or Treason
9-11, Satanic Power of the NWO
911: The Road To Tyranny (video)
The 9-11 Commission - 1
9/11 Commission and Bridas - 2
9-11, a multitude of purposes - 3
Reasons to not investigate 9-11 - 4
Bushes not all-American family - 5
America's Empire of Bases
America's Illegal War
Beyond Our Consent
Bird Flu “Pandemic” HOAX
Black Civilizations
Blue Pill People
Child Abuse
CIA Drug-dealing: Trail of the Octopus
CIA-Secret Shadow Government
Civil War and the Illuminati
Globalists Seek to Sanitize Internet
How US Schools Create Sheeple
Hurricane Katrina
Iraq, Afghanistan: Illegal Wars
Israel and Zionism
The Illegal Money System
The Law of Free Fall
It's the Economy, Stupid
Latin America
Life in the Third Reich
Man in the Doorway
Native American Holocaust
Nation of Fools
Nick Berg and 9-11
The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror
Peak Oil-Myth or Reality
Pentagon Foments Terrorism
Report from Iron Mountain
Seeds of Deception
Seventh Fire News Archives
Skull and Bones
Tactics of Disinformationists
Taking Aim
The Lies of the Past
Three World Wars
Towering Unferno
Treason and Scandal
Unbridgeable Chasm of Doubt
US Ministry of Propaganda Exposed
US War Crimes in Iraq
US Debt Clock
War Protest
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Where have the young men gone?
Why Do They Hate Us?
Your Country at War - Lindbergh

Anthrax Cover-up
Doors of Perception
Schwarzenneger for Dictator
Children of Satan—Bush Liars'
Children of Satan II—Beast-Men
Controlling Voting Machines
Disinformation in Media
Doctored Media Photos
Controlled Demolition
The Fall of American Values
Gen. Smedley Butler: True War Hero
General Wesley Clark
How Bush Stole 2000 Election
John Kerry, Illuminatus
Impeachment of G.W. Bush
Anthrax Trail Leads to Bush
Pedophilia and Government
Regime Change
Secrets of Federal Reserve
Surveillance Technologies
Trading with the "Enemy"
Vote Fraud
War on Freedom
War Profiteering

A New Beginning--Action
News from the Lighter Side
Big LIes Have Little Lies

9-11 and the Mossad
Abu Nidal- Mossad Terrorist
The Adolf Eichmann Trial
Anne Frank: Life and Times
Truth about Diary of Anne Frank
Dying of a Young Girl
Barbarians inside the Gates
Ben Freedman on the Jews
Freedman on Zionism
The Brotherhood
Can Zionists Harm Jews?
Civil War and Role of Illuminati
Conspirator's Hierarchy
The Controversy of Zion
Deconstructing the Walls of Jericho
Eisenhower's Holocaust
Executions at Dachau
False Witness: Elie Wiesel
False Flag Attack on USS Liberty
Israel's Attack on USS Liberty
Hidden History of Zionism - Part 1
Hoax of the 20th Century
History of Forensic Examinations at Auschwitz
Jewish History, Jewish Religion
Jewish Peril
Jews and Bolshevism
Jews in Iraq
The Lavon Affair
Zionism as Jewish National Socialism
Mossad Hits Bali
Mossad Hits Kenya
Israel tries to steal "Evidence"
Israel NOT a Democracy
Israeli Bank limits return of Holocaust victims' assets
Israeli Spying in America File
Israeli plan to down British jet
Bomb in Jakarta Was US/Israeli
Mossad Death Squads
Mossad Embedded Assistants
Mossad Tricks US Attack on Libya
Mossad Uses Islamists
The Contrasting Media Treatment of Israeli and Islamic Death Threats
Murder of Robert Maxwell
Marines Not Warned by Mossad
Nazis and Jews
Did Six Million Really Die?
The Islamist-Zionist link
Israeli Art Students and Ecstasy
Israeli Art Student Mystery
Israeli atrocities
Israeli caught exporting nuclear device
Israeli Sexpionage
Israeli Spying in the Nixon Administration
The Israeli Spy Ring
Israeli Mega Spies
Israel's Sacred Terrorism
Is the New World Order 'Jewish'?
Jewish Dominance in Porn
Jewish Dominance in the Prostitution Industry
Jewish Pedophilia
Jewish Sexual Abuse
Karl Marx Spills the Beans
Turning over Stones
Origin of Palestine-Israel Conflict
Polish Atrocities against German Minority in Poland
Skewing news to hide Zionist oppression
Talmudic Storytelling Is Tradition
Zionist-Israeli Roots of Hamas
Zionist Connection to 9-11
Zionist Silencing Machine No. 8
Zionists and Torture in Iraq
Zionist influence on Congress
Zionists and the Holocaust
Zionist Plan for Middle East
Zionists Corrupt Bible
Peak Oil is a Zionist Scam<
Peak Oil scam promotes urgent world depopulation
Peak Oil is a fraud
Peak Oil News Briefs
Power and Aims of Jewry
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Queen Tamara Tephi - Irish Roots of History
Rabbi Goldstein on Zionism
Racist Nature of Zionism
Mind Control (Audios)
New World Order
Myron Fagan's Expose'
Secret Order of the Illuminati
Silent weapons for quiet wars
Wiesenthal: Fraudulent NAZI Hunter
Talmud, sourcebook of Satanism
The 13th Tribe -- Koestler
Trail of Blood and Murder - Pt III
Transfer Agreement between Zionism and Nazism
Typhus - Killer in the Camps - 1
The Voyage of Zarah - Irish Origins of History
What Price Israel?
When Victims Rule. A Critique of Jewish Pre-eminence in America
World of the Jewish Mafia
Egyptian-Masonic-Satanic Connection
Freemasonry - Mystery Religions
Crowley, 33° Mason, Human Sacrifice
Egyptian Mystery - Masonic Lodge
Satanic Ritual Abuse
Trance Formation of America
Child Sexual Abuse
The End of Legends

Sunset at House rock Beach 16x20

Changes Art Gallery
Israel Shamir, in response to the second Palestinian Intifada, abandoned his literary occupation to resume his work as a journalist, championing the "One Man, One Vote, One State" solution for Palestine & Israel. Shamir's work and that of his contributors speaks to the aspirations of both the Israelis and the Palestinians seeking an end to the bloodshed, true democracy and lasting peace.
- Read More -

The Illuminati have nearly completed their agenda and this is the Final Warning: The History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera
See also Child Sexual Abuse
"Neturei Karta oppose the so-called "State of Israel" not because it operates secularly, but because the entire concept of a sovereign Jewish state is contrary to Jewish Law."